There will be a total of 6 rounds in the competition, which are MCQ round, quarter-finals, resurrection, resuscitation, semi-finals, and finals
General Rules
Members of each team will be separated to do an individual examination consisting of multiple-choice questions, each scoring 1 point. The top 30 best-scoring teams will advance to the Quarter-Finals.
This is a team challenge. All 30 teams will be divided into 3 divisions, each consisting of 10 teams. Each team will be presented with a keyword or topic related to the question. They will then answer short-answer questions, attempting to earn points which vary based on the team’s level of confidence. The score is impacted by the time taken to submit the answers. Additionally, teams may earn more points by utilizing provided items. The best-scoring 2 teams from each division will move on to the Semi-Finals. The teams scoring in third to fifth place will move on to Resurrection where they’ll get a chance to move on to the Semi-Finals.
This is a team challenge. Each of the 9 teams will be presented with choices. Then, a question will be read aloud along with appearing on the teams' screens. Teams will then race to select all choices which are correct and hit the buzzer. The fastest team's answer will be taken into consideration first. If correct, the team will earn 1 point. The first 2 teams to score 2 points will advance to the Semi-Finals.
This is a team challenge. Each of the 8 teams will answer short-answer questions by selecting a level of difficulty: easy, medium, or hard. Points will be awarded for providing a correct answer. Penalties apply for submitting an incorrect answer at the medium and hard levels, resulting in one team member being designated as either ‘Primary infection’ or ‘Secondary infection’ and made unable to participate in subsequent turns until rescued. Rescue can be achieved by utilizing items earned through correctly answering medium and hard-level questions. The best-scoring 4 teams will move on to the Finals.
This is a team challenge. Teams will be presented with cases along with physical examination results where they then use that information, along with laboratory results they've chosen to reveal, to answer questions based on their evaluation of the cases themselves. The team who performs best will be crowned the champion of CMU-IMC 2024.
** A detailed rulebook will be sent to registered competitors in November 2024
Murray, P. R., Rosenthal, K. S., & Pfaller, M. A. (2021). Medical Microbiology (9th ed.). Edinburgh: Elsevier.
Riedel, S., Morse, S. A., Mietzner, T. A., & Miller, S. (2018). Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology (28th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Roberts, L.S., Janovy, J.Jr., Nadler, S. (2013). Gerald D. Schmidt & Larry S. Roberts' Foundations of Parasitology. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill International.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. DPDx-Laboratory Identification of Parasites of Public Health Concern.
Bennett, J. E., Dolin, R., Blaser, M. J. (2020). Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases (9th ed.). Elsevier.
Kimberlin, D. W., Barnett, E. D., Lynfield, R., & Sawyer, M. H. (Eds.). (2021). Red Book: 2021-2024 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases (32th ed.). American Academy of Pediatrics.
Tille, P. M. (2022). Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology (15th ed.) Academic Press: Elsevier.
Louten, J. (2016). Essential Human Virology. Elsevier.
Abbas, A. K. (2022). Cellular and molecular immunology. Elsevier Inc.
Murphy K. (2022). Janeway's immunobiology. W.W. Norton & company.
Updated guidelines about infectious diseases from (WHO/CDC/PIDS/IDSA)